
Vijesti o tvrtki na Exportpages

ifm electronic GmbH
Essen, December 2023 - The German Design Award once again goes to ifm. After the jury last honored three of the company's products with the prestigious award in 2021, it will present the award in 2024 for the condition monitoring tool moneo RTM. It is the first design award for a software product from ifm.
Exportpages International GmbH

01.01.2024 00:00

Sretna Nova godina!

Svima želimo prekrasnu novu godinu, ispunjenu srećom, zdravljem, samopouzdanjem i, iznad svega, m...

Exportpages International GmbH

23.12.2023 00:05

Sretan Božić !

Sretan Božić i sretna nova godina!

Neka blagdanska sezona bude puna ljubavi, radosti i...

ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH

22.12.2023 01:05

Safety Shock Absorbers
Emergency Stop Specialists Celebrate Premieres in Film and TV
Dunkermotoren GmbH
Autonomous agricultural robots (agri-bots) as a means of combating the rising food demand and skilled labor shortage in the agricultural market
GEDA transport platforms are contributing to the successful renovation of the historic Zagreb Cathedral.
H2O GmbH

In numerous companies, wastewater treatment by means of vacuum distillation has already establish...

Dietrich Lüttgens GmbH & Co. KG
Making history with expertise and precision
Frederiksborg Castle in Denmark undergoes extensive refurbishment with GEDA elevators
Fixed without reflection
PFISTERER Kontaktsysteme GmbH

Winterbach, Germany - November 7, 2023

The DolWin kappa offshore platform was successf...

KARL MAYER Holding SE & Co. KG
Visoko učinkovite inovacije kroz projekt „Integirani razvoj proizvoda“ KARL MAYER GRUPE s IPEK – Institutom za razvoj proizvoda pri KIT-u